
Thursday 8 December 2016

words on flight

Christmas letter

Dear Mum and dad

This year at school I was a good student. In maths I have learnt numbers before and after, addition and subtraction to 10. For reading I learnt to read fluently. I love to read books. In writing I can write a story by myself. I know to put in capital letters and full stops.

At home I was a really good boy because I helped you with chores, cleaning my bedroom and I did the dishes all by myself. Therefore I will be very grateful  if you can buy me something from my wish list. These are things I would like:
  • Xbox
  • Lego
  • Goosebump book
  • Tablet

Love from  

Post, Air Mail, Letters, ...

Peter and the Wolf

Peter lives with his grandfather in his old house. They have a wall to protect them so the wolf can’t get in. When Peter  was feeding the duck he heard a noise coming out from the  forest.  It was a cat and a bird.  The bird was waiting for some bread but the `cat wants to eat the bird. Peter clapped his hands to scare the bird away. His grandfather came out and told him off , “don’t leave the gate open because the wolf will get in”. But the wolf came. The cat and the bird went up the tall tree to get away from the wolf. The poor duck got eaten by the wolf. But the wolf was still hungry. Peter climbed up the tree to save the cat and the bird. Peter used the rope to catch the wolf. Peter and the Hunters carried the wolf away. The bird and the cat lived happily ever after.

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